
Hrvatska osnovna karta
Hrvatska osnovna karta

hrvatska osnovna karta

(1987): The rudist carbonate buildups and the gravitary carbonates of the Gargano-Apulian margin (southern Italy, Upper Senonian).-Mem. (1987): Cretacenous sequences in the Lombardy basin: Stratigraphic outline between the lakes of Lecco and Iseo.-Mem. (1983): A warm, equable Cretaceous: the nature of the problem.-Earth Science Review, 19, 305–338īersezio, R. (1999): High-resolution sequence stratigraphic correlation in the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)-Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) peritidal carbonate deposits (Western Taurides, Turkey).-Geol. (ed.): Proceedings of the congress “Complex Oil-geological Aspects for Offshore and Coastal Adriatic Areas”-Split, 1, 363–380Īltiner, D., Yilmaz, I.O., Ozgul, N., Bayazitoglu, M. (1981): About the deep seismic horizontin the NE offshore Adriatic area.-In: Šolac, A. Since the Cres intraplatform basin was established at the beginning of the Cenomanian it probably represented the initiation phase in the north-western extension of the later Adriatic Trough development.Īljinović, B. The opening of the Cres intraplatform basin was aborted and the basin was finally filled up during the Late Cenomanian. Contemporaneously, pithonellid wackestone-packstones containing microbioclasts and planktonic foraminifera were deposited basinward while marginal bioclastic sediments and limestone blocks of the basin margin origin were sporadically deposited within the basin. Fair amounts of coarse-grained bioclasts, derived almost exclusively from broken rudist shells, were deposited over a marginal depocenter. During the Early to Middle Cenomanian rudist communities (ichthyosarcolitid/caprinid/radiolitid)flourished along a relatively high-energy intraplatform basin margin. Owing to the influence of synsedimentary tectonics supported by eustatic changes during the latest Albian/Early Cenomanian, different sedimentary environments were established: from shallow intraplatform basin and related slope, across basin margin to protected shallow-platform. The island is built up of predominantly Cretaceous carbonates deposited in north-western part of extensive and long-lasting Adriatic Carbonate Platform. The island of Cres is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea.

Hrvatska osnovna karta